Our Purpose

We exist to introduce people to Jesus Christ, to help them grow in Christ-like maturity, to equip them for ministry to one another, to reach out in love to those around us and the world beyond, and to honor the name of Jesus as God’s own Son and our Lord and Savior.

Our Resolve

Animas Valley Church exists to be God’s vessel for the expression of His love and grace! It is the desire of this local body of believers to be a willing sacrifice to bring the love of Jesus to ALL people we encounter. It is our prayer to grow in the selfless accomplishments and fulfillment of Christ’s loving presence. All glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!! Amen!!

Join Us For Service!

Every Sunday morning at Riverbend Ranch
27846 Highway 550; Durango, CO 81301
9AM Sunday School, 10AM-11AM Worship & Teaching


A letter from our pastor, Joe Kuefler…


Well, we’re here. We’re here because GOD saw fit to create us. In the first chapter of the first book of GOD’s Word, the Bible, GOD states HIS reason for creating us. That is, to be HIS representatives, both male and female. After all of HIS amazing creations, HE created us to be a representer of HIM.

We also know from the Bible that GOD established institutions to facilitate this responsibility, first, the family; a husband and wife, to train children to be functional in larger society and represent GOD there. Though the family institution is ongoing, GOD later created a nation to carry this out among the other nations. HE created Israel to train and organize generations of HIS representatives.

Beginning with the New Testament, the Church, is the institution carrying out the training and organization of representing GOD. The Church is also a family. Believers are brothers and sisters, and GOD is our Father. The Bible clearly states that GOD’s way of birthing us into this family is through personal faith in HIS son, JESUS CHRIST. When we put our faith in JESUS, the only begotten SON OF GOD, who died for our sins, we are “born again” into the family of GOD, the Church.

Why did JESUS have to die for our sins? Well, we haven’t done a very good job of representing GOD with our lives. Instead, we have lived our lives for ourselves, pursuing our own dreams and goals. Because GOD is a righteous judge, HE must bring judgement and condemnation on our sin. But, because GOD is gracious and merciful, HE designed a way for us to be cleared of condemnation and brought back to the relationship that HE created us for.

GOD’s righteousness demands judgement, but HIS mercy accepts the payment of the condemnation, that we all deserve, by the death of HIS son, who had no sin of His own. When we come to the place in our life that we recognize that we have offended GOD, by living selfishly rather than representing HIM, and want to turn that around, or repent of that. GOD accepts that repentance when we accept the salvation from judgement that JESUS provided by dying for our sin. From that moment we become a member of GOD’s family and a part of the Church. The institution that GOD is currently using to represent HIMSELF.

The Animas Valley Church is a local assembly of believers who meet each Sunday for worship, encouragement, and training, to represent GOD our FATHER and HIS SON, JESUS, OUR SAVIOR, throughout the rest of the week!

We welcome your visit, and who knows, maybe you will want to join the family!

~ Pastor Joe